Team Building at Sułkowski Hotel in Boszkowo

The beautifully situated Sułkowski Conference Resort in Boszkowo was the venue for a team-building event organized at the request of one of our clients. Following the conference the guests went to a beach belonging to the property where, after a short introduction, they were invited to participate in team-building activities. As organizers, we benefited from the site's location to provide water-related attractions, such as a slalom in joined canoes or walking on loose sand on gigantic compass-like constructions. The guests could also try their hand at archery, air rifle shooting, decoding messages and solving logical riddles. Last but not least, the participants were asked to construct non-standards vehicles, which later on took part in a race—undoubtedly a highlight of the ''active'' part of the day. As soon as the best team were awarded with medals, we invited our guests to a Hawaii-theme dinner, which began with tasting drinks served in coconut shells. The guests spent the rest of the night dancing and having a great time thanks to music provided by a DJ.

Photos from the event available in our gallery: